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Purchase the correct insurance policy for you and your family. Read and understand the terms and conditions of your policy (what's covered and what's not).
You should take your time to read the terms and ask questions to the insurance agent/sales person if you are unsure about the product features before signing up for any financial products.
You must immediately report to the police and inform your insurance providers within the stipulated time stated in the policy if you encounter accident and loss.
Do not use ATM or Debit/Credit Card PIN numbers which are associated with your identity card numbers or date of birth.
Refrain from recording your PIN and keeping it together with your ATM or Debit/Credit card in your wallet.
Avoid sharing PINs. Even with the people you care about! You are able to avoid unexpected transactions
Watch out for scammers who will try to phish from you or your vulnerable family members for confidential information via online or through phone calls.